Welcome to the South East’s leading Holiday Resort! What’s not to love about a mega beach, great chips and a funfair? – Always worth a visit. tramore.ie
Suir Valley Railway
Waterford Suir Valley Railway has enabled the magic of rails golden age to be brought to life in Kilmeadan. This heritage railway hugs the river Suir, creating a chilled-out rail
King of the Vikings
Visit the world's first Virtual Reality Viking Experience - it's a top-class attraction for teens and adults. Check out their Website
Dunmore East Adventure Centre
Purpose-built adventure centre at the water’s edge in Dunmore East, using the sheltered coves as a playground, and introducing you to a wide range of water activities – a unique
Cruise the Suir
Cruise along the river Suir and meander between the ports of New Ross and Waterford City quays – taking in the wonderful scenery and sight for something different on a