Mud and Mime: Shellykabooky

Shellykabooky is performed by Mud and Mime – the street theatre wing of Waterford Youth Arts.
In a world where many vivid communities with unique and individual characters and customs must mingle with other cultures of wild and vibrant varieties, what would it look like to ask a neighbour for a cup of sugar?
In Shellykabooky, we see that world in which reaching out is a necessity, strengthening bonds is a must, and that you needn’t have to carry all of your woes and worries upon your back like a singular snail and its shell.
Join us in the streets and see these absurd communities blend and mix – they cannot go back alone, only forward together.
Fri 2nd: Barronstrand St @ 5pm
Sat 3rd: Gladstone St @ 1pm
Sun 4th: Gladstone St @ 1pm